Archive for April, 2011

Photo shoot with C’s Cupcakes!

by on Apr.11, 2011, under Photography

The past few weeks have been incredibly busy, with much of my time devoted to a fantastically fun (not to  mention tasty!) photo shoot commissioned by the very talented C’s Cupcakes of Bournemouth, Dorset.

Chief Cupcake Maker, Chelsey Gourgaud, created an exquisite selection of cupcakes, designed with ten different themes in mind, then gave me free reign to make them look their very best in a range of images for her website and promotional material.

The ten themes – comprising Summer Wedding, Adult Birthday, Kid’s Party, Valentines, Summer Picnic, Mother’s Day, Chocolate Collection, Easter, Baby Shower and Cake Pops – took a lot of time to conceptualise and source props for, but I found Chelsey’s designs incredibly inspirational and enjoyed the shoot immensely.

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